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Why is Diamond used for Jewellery?

In this article, we discuss more about this precious stone, diamond, and its use in jewellery.

 It is commonly known that diamonds are frequently used in jewellery. Since they gained popularity, they have evolved into romantic icons and are now tightly linked to the notion that love, like diamonds, lives forever. As a result, it is no surprise that they are highly prized diamonds for engagement rings. As we discuss what makes diamonds ideal for use in jewellery, you will learn about the qualities and history of diamonds.


What makes diamond Great for Jewellery? 

  1.   Diamonds last Forever

 The hardest known natural material on earth is diamond, which rates a 10 on the Mohs scale of hardness. Their resilience is the justification for their metaphorical portrayal of unending love. A diamond forms in the earth's upper mantle over the course of one to three billion years, and this long process is one of the reasons why they are so hard and resistant to nicks, breaks, and scratches when in touch with just about any other substance. 


Since a diamond's molecular structure determines how hard it is, this explains why they are so strong. In a diamond, the carbon atoms are held together by strong covalent bonds. A tetrahedral structure or a four-walled triangular unit made up of five carbon atoms, shares an electron between two atoms. Underground pressure and heat compress carbon atoms into a highly concentrated form, which results in this chemical composition.


2.       Diamonds are Beautiful 

Although most people consider diamonds to be among the most beautiful jewels, their beauty may also be measured scientifically. The 4Cs can be used to evaluate a diamond's worth and appearance. Colour is the first of the 4Cs. Although there are different colours of diamonds, crystal clear is the most sought-after appearance. How many defects (or inclusions) are present in the stone is determined by its clarity. The more a diamond is more attractive, clear, and dazzling, the fewer imperfections it has. The term "karat" refers to the diamond's weight rather than its size. However, remember that it's not always true that bigger is better. Succeeding in finding stunning diamond jewellery requires careful consideration of the karat stone that best suits your preferences. Furthermore, the cut of a diamond is undoubtedly its most crucial component because it plays a major role in the internal light refraction that gives a diamond its shine. All jewellers must be aware of how various cutting techniques affect a diamond's brilliance and sparkle. 


If you wonder why diamonds shine, the keys to a diamond's brilliance are full internal reflection and light refraction. In order to maximize the stone's brilliance, the cutter must carve angles into the stone's walls. Additionally, if the diamond is too shallow, the light will probably "leak" through the bottom, and if it is too deep, the light will depart through the side walls, while ideal cut diamonds allow light to be internally reflected and radiated back through the top surface.


3.    Diamonds Have a Cultural Significance  


The history and repute of diamonds in cultures dating back to India 3000 years ago are further factors contributing to their current prominence in jewellery. According to legend, they were first used in jewellery in 1047 for a crown worn by a Hungarian queen. Later on, there was an advertising campaign commissioned by De Beers in 1947, where a copywriter first used the phrase "A diamond is forever," which really ignited the popularity of diamonds as a jewellery stone. 


Continuously, diamonds are the ideal material for jewellery because they are strong, rare, beautiful, and have an unbreakable link to love and romance. Jewellery is one of our most cherished possessions and is worn on the most important occasions. Although diamonds are ideal for engagement rings, finding the ideal ring for you is not always simple. Because of this, Al-Romaizan Gold and Jewellery provides the best engagement rings that enable you to have an exceptional, and premium-quality diamond ring


The History of the Diamond in the Jewellery World


The role of the diamond in the world of jewellery started to change quickly after the proper method for cutting a diamond was discovered. The first time a diamond ring was offered as an engagement ring was in 1477. The custom of a man proposing marriage with a diamond ring was first established when Archduke Maximilian of Austria gave Mary of Burgundy the diamond item. The Rose Cut was created in 1520, and it was soon followed by the Peruzzi Cut in 1681 and numerous other designs.


India was the only place to find diamonds for hundreds of years, and it is still the only place to find very large diamonds, which are now nearly impossible to find. However, many other places, such as South Africa and Australia, have since been found to be sources of diamonds. Although diamonds are mostly valued now for their beauty and prestige, which is why they are used in jewellery, the other uses they served throughout history are still evident in some way. Diamonds are thought to symbolize eternity, and even though they are no longer thought to have healing or protective properties, their durability sends a message of loyalty to the recipients as well as making them a perfect stone for jewellery.

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